Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Self-Analysis Essay - 633 Words

Self-Analysis Essay Joe Schmoe I’d like to begin by saying that the informative speech I gave was better than the how-to speech in that I was much more relaxed, prepared and organized this time. So I do think I am improving from speech to speech. Also, while preparing for my informative speech, I learned more about my topic from doing further research, which is great. I realized that you can learn so much, however, that it is sometimes difficult to put it all into a five to eight minute speech. Because of this, I’ve really learned the importance of good organization. Although I saw some improvements in my most recent speech, there are still several areas that I could improve on in my speech giving, including my delivery in my†¦show more content†¦The third area that I need to improve on — one that is related to my nervousness — is my rate of speech. I am always so nervous at the beginning that I start out talking way too fast and I am not sure that people catch what I am trying to say. The more nervous I am, the faster I tend to talk. At times, I just need to remember to stop and breathe. As I give more speeches and look for opportunities to practice, my confidence will increase, my nervousness will decrease, and my rate of speech will slow down. In the meantime, I plan to make delivery cue notes on my speaking outline that will remind me to pause and to slow down throughout my speech. The final problem that I need to address is my transitions. I highlighted the connective sentences on the notecards for the informative speech and felt I used them better this time, but they could still use some work. I plan to reword these, keeping in mind the â€Å"Review/Preview† technique discussed in class, to help the speech flow more smoothly. If I make these adjustments, I’m confident that I will deliver a better Informative Re-Do speech than my original Informative Speech. I am improving each and every week and I hope — no, EXPECT — that I will continue improving as I give moreShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Self Analysis1857 Words   |  8 Pagessaw in this class was an attempt to avoid overly flowery writing. While a writers use of colorful diction can serve to add readability to a piece, it often obscures the real points that the writer wishes to make. The first draft of my rhetorical analysis paper was a perfect example of my obsessive thesaurus use. I included ridiculous phrases like â€Å"All of these are proposed consequences, the fantastically progressive and the destructively detrimental, of one question deep at the heart of the questRead MoreEssay on Self-Analysis566 Words   |  3 PagesSelf-Analysis Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. 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